We Want YOU! To Provide Feedback and Guest Posts!

As you may have noticed, Josh and I have taken a brief hiatus this summer. This was for two reasons of course: first being that Upper Midwest summers are warm and enjoyable, so of course we were out and about (or as our friends in the Northwoods would say “oot in a boot”) enjoying the great outdoors and summer in general. Second, Josh and I were recharging our brains with topics for Purple State Progressive to cover that are not only important to understand on the national scale, but what we consider paramount for understanding the current situation in the Midwest.

While it is easy to speak of moderates and swing state voters in broad generalizations, we are striving to explain the issues that are important outside of the liberal bastions of the cities and the ivory towers of universities. By discussing and understanding the progressive ideas that garner support in the Midwest, from cities and towns to rural small towns and the country, we hope to provide insight and understanding as to how we have gotten to this point as a country and where we should be going from here.

With that said, we would like to extend an invitation to one and all for comments as well as guest articles!

Whether you’re from the Midwest or the coasts, urban or rural, conservative or liberal, Anheuser-Busch or Miller, we would love to hear your comments and share your thoughts!

How is this done you ask? Comments can be left on individual posts. Additionally, you can contact us more directly if you have general comments or have ideas for a guest post. Simply visit Purple State Progressive’s Contact tab to contact us via email or Facebook.

Thanks again, our dedicated readers! And we hope you’re enjoying the beginning of Fall the only way we know how: getting in the great outdoors, enjoy the return of Oktoberfest brews, and rejoice with the return of college football.


Sam and Josh